Ayeh Goharbin – Win Win Universal RE
Sales Director of Win Win Universe Real Estate

Ayeh Goharbin

Sales Director at Win Win Universe Real Estate

  • Specialties: Real Estate Sales Professional, Dubai Real Estate Sales Ninja

About Ayeh Goharbin

At the helm of Win Win Universe Real Estate’s sales force, the Sales Manager is a dynamic leader orchestrating the entire team with precision. Armed with an astute understanding of the real estate market, they seamlessly navigate the complexities of the industry. Known for their innovative approach, the Sales Manager has crafted an amazing sales strategy that not only meets targets but sets new benchmarks for success. Their strategic acumen and motivational prowess create an environment where every member of the sales team thrives.

Language: Persian, English

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    Professional service

    Nam congue nisi eu orci laoreet, nec tristique dolor scelerisque. Aenean mauris sem, commodo et accumsan ac, dictum vitae sem. Sed bibendum nunc neque, in auctor enim ultricies nec. Proin ornare nibh libero, id euismod nulla aliquam et. Nam eget augue ut dolor sagittis feugiat. Nullam et nibh id lacus mollis laoreet eu et mi.

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